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 The 'Shell' command is a very powerful but also very dangerous
 command. It allows the caller to run a DOS shell on your sys-
 tem, except that the caller receives the output, and the
 caller enters the keystrokes. This command is basically simi-
 lar to entering 'CTTY COMx' at the DOS prompt. The remote side
 has complete control of your system. This is obviously very
 dangerous, as the caller can format disks, delete files, or
 perform any other operation. To provide security, a password
 must be entered to use the remote DOS shell. Be very careful
 of whom you give this password to, as they can do anything
 they want with your system. As well, don't leave it at the de-
 fault that Telix comes with. There are a few limitations in
 the remote DOS shell. The caller will see program output only
 if the programs use standard DOS output. Programs that write
 directly to the video screen will work, but will not be seen
 by the remote caller. As well, programs that use non-DOS meth-
 ods of getting keystrokes will not receive the callers
 keystrokes. Finally, under some systems, if the caller presses
 Backspace at the DOS prompt when the current line is empty,
 DOS will hang on the Host machine. As these are functions of
 DOS, there is nothing that can be done about these lim-

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